My Life in the USA

Hello! I'm finally decided to write again after a looooong break. Long break I mean I've been busy with life hahaha. There's alot of new things going on. I am definitely wiser and older, I have new awesome friends. I got mental breakdown on summer because my skin is super sensitive. You can imagine the summer heat in Miami. Really crazy! 

I was working in the pool and beach department at that time and yep it was too hot for me and it got really bad. I went to the doctor and she suggested me to talk with the HR to move me inside. After 6 months as beach hostess and helping in Housekeeping department, they finally moved me to the bar & lounge as a server assistant. It's a lot of experience. My first time going to the doctor, first time being in an emergency room, and stuff.

I'll definitely write more about my trips around United States. For now, here are some pictures from 1 year in the U.S. as a J1 student.

xo, Kia

The Living Room Crew minus Eka and Reuben 

Papi Jose and Mami Naomi! <3

The Cathedral known as Faena's Lobby

Twinning for Halloween, last minute outfit


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